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Sistem Yoğunluğuna bağlı bekleme süreniz , 5 saniye ile 50 saniye arasında değişebilir. |
( ep )
Ekonomic Package |
Easy to use,
burstable power when you
need it. Clustered
reliability meets entry-level
web hosting. |
500 mb Capacity |
1000 mb Traffic
Limit |
Asp , Asp.net (1.1) ,
(2,0) , (3.5) Supported |
™ Hosting Control Panel |
( sp )
Standart Package |
Industry-Leading hosting
solution. Manage your
websites with dedicated
resources and unmatched
flexibility. |
1500mb Capacity |
3000 mb Traffic
Limit |
Asp , Asp.net (1.1) ,
(2,0) , (3.5) Supported |
™ Hosting Control Panel |
( fr )
fullRON Package |
power-packed, stackable
server that is quickly
becoming the go-to
platform for high-end
hosting. |
5000 mb Capacity |
10000 mb Traffic
Limit |
Asp , Asp.net (1.1) ,
(2,0) , (3.5) Supported |
™ Hosting Control Panel |